Journaling for Joy

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Everyone Has a Story Worth Telling

You may be saying to yourself, “There’s nothing special about my life” or “I’ve never done anything really important” or “No one would be interested in hearing about me.”  To that I say, “Not so!” 

All of our stories are important.  The world needs your story because you are part of a wondrous mosaic called humanity, a thread in the beautifully woven tapestry of the universe.  There is no one exactly like you.  You bring unique gifts and talents to this world, gifts that are meant to be shared.  We are all here to share our unique experiences, knowledge, and wisdom with one another for the betterment of all and to help us all in recognizing our common humanity.   

       Storytelling has been part of the human experience for millennia, dating back to prehistoric peoples who told their stories by carving petroglyphs on cave walls.  Ancient Egyptians recorded their history by writing on papyrus. Indigenous peoples sat around the evening fire, passing down oral traditions to a younger generation.  Through the ages, each culture has embraced their own forms of storytelling through song, dance, poetry, drawing, painting, carving, and so much more.

     Storytelling, at its core, is about communication and connection.  Our stories communicate our ideas, feelings, and experiences to others and give us an opportunity to engage with them.  By sharing our stories, we allow others to get to know us.  When we honor others by listening to their stories with curiosity and kindness, we gain a better understanding of who they are.  

     Everyone’s story matters—from the most powerful among us to the man who has been living without a roof over his head for decades.  (I have found some of these latter stories to be the most compelling and inspiring).  

     Even though each of our stories is unique in the details, we all share a common bond.  We all experience joy and sorrow, challenge and triumph, success and failure.  We all make mistakes.  We all have fears, hopes, and dreams.  These are the common threads of our humanity.  

     Journaling is a form of storytelling, a safe place to explore what it means to be you.  You can record observations and experiences, reflect on thoughts and feelings, and perhaps discover inner strength and resilience that you never knew you possessed.  Journaling can be a vehicle for connecting more deeply with yourself.  

     The best place to start is to start where you are. What comes up for you when you sit down to write? Are there thoughts that constantly fill your mind or is there a theme that you would like to explore? Maybe nothing pressing is on your mind; you can write about that , too, and see where it leads. There is no right or wrong way to journal; you are the one who will make your own way.


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