Journaling for Joy

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The Beauty of Autumn

     Crisp morning air filled with the outpour from wood-burning stoves, the gentle warmth of the sun on my face, and the stunning tapestry of color draping the mountains are just a few things that I love about Autumn.  This season marks a time of change where we witness Nature slowing down; the energy of life shifts and softens.  Autumn is a time of harvest, yet also a time of preparation and sowing for the seasons ahead.  Autumn is a time for moving inward, both in a physical and a spiritual sense.  

     During the month of October, I spent time leisurely driving through the Rockies, my eyes ravenously drinking the rich hues of gold and varying shades of green that blanket the landscape.  The wonder and beauty of it all overwhelmed and brought me to tears.  Nature has a way of stirring my emotions and touching something deep within my soul.  

     Nature possesses great wisdom and wants to share it with us, if only we open ourselves to listen.  At this time of year, she invites us to slow down from our busy lives, still our minds, and sit with her.  Nature is all around us, whether you live in a busy city or the tranquil countryside.  Creations of the natural world are found and sky, the moon and stars,  plants, animals, insects.  When one pays attention, over time one will begin to discern patterns and feel the rhythm of the seasons.  We humans, too, are a part of nature and not separate from it.  Thus, we too, have our own rhythms.  When I connect with the rhythm of the seasons, I also get in touch with my own natural rhythms.

     The tree swallows and hummingbirds have departed for the winter.  The elk have started migrating through our neighborhood, and I have heard them bugling down in the willows.  The bears are preparing for winter. I am spending more time indoors after a busy summer of attempting to garden at 8000 feet and battling pocket gophers.  I feel truly grateful to be done with it all, at least for this year!  Like the bears, I am preparing for semi-hibernation in the coming months.  

     The days are growing shorter; the morning and night air growing cooler.  For me, Autumn and Winter are seasons that invite cozy fires, warm candlelight, and homemade potpourri of apples and spices simmering on the stove.  I like to sit with a cup of tea in the early morning and watch the flickering candlelight and the dancing flames in the living room stove.  

     The leaves are gently shedding their leaves now, and the trees will soon be bare.  Perhaps this shedding holds one of Nature's teachings.  Perhaps Nature is encouraging each of us to shed that which no longer serves us, to let go of old doubts and fears, wounds from the past, and outdated paradigms.  In this way can we make room in our lives for "new' to enter, just as the aspens make space for next year's leaves.    

     Each season has its own unique beauty and rhythm.   Autumn is a time of slowing down, going inward, and shedding the "old" so that we can welcome the "new".  For me, Autumn is a special time that brings a senes of warmth, comfort, and peace to my spirit.

Is there a season that especially resonates with your natural rhythms?  

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